
Sunshine in my heart - greetings from Phuket

Before we departed to Phuket, all the weather forecasts predicted that Phuket would be having scattered storm during the whole week of my trip...even my ground arrangement agent said so....that reply made us down for quite a day... What more can we enjoy the fullest if we need to go places wearing raincoat and hiding under an umbrella?

Even the morning before boarding our plane, it rained... It's a cozy morning. I looked out from the window and prayed to the sky that it'll be as sunny as ever when we reach Phuket.

I think god heard my prayer, and so HE granted us with the sunniest weather ever when we were there for the last 5 days!!

Though the tragic Tsunami happened here back in year 2004, there is always sunshine after each disaster...

In Patong, evacuation route sign is shown everywhere, but there is also people everywhere.

Everyday is a Saturday in Patong. No wonder my friend has had vacation in Phuket for 4 times! Now I can understand why.

And even Ronald McDonal feels happy to be here all day long~ SAWADEEKA, greetings to you from Phuket.

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现在才发现,原来我们的部落格差一点就安了个和大马著名背包旅行作者黄爱琳的两本书书名一样的名字。。。所以如果有一天爱琳再出版第三本书,而书名为《再难也要去旅行》的话,我们并不是抄袭她的哦。。。 ^.^

主编 09年8月1日 ****************************************************************

Our footsteps..