
Sin Chow Hanoi!

So, we just came back from Hanoi yesterday. Am really really tired and my muscle crammed due to trekking trips at Sapa and sea kayaking at Halong Bay. And today my mailbox burst! Emails~emails~emails~ Dozens of work to clear before flying off to San Jose on next Thursday...arrgghh..

However, I had a really breathtaking vacation in Hanoi-Sapa-Halong Bay although it's a very short trip this time. Credits to our Vietnam friends Tony/Nam/Thinh for the perfect arrangements. This trip was not just about vacation; we have a prolong fellowship and missions to accomplish. Having friends around the world is certainly one of the best things in life, especially when your friend owns a travel agency. =) Then travelling seems to be at your finger tip.

Toi ten la Cheryl, toi la nguoi Malaysia.

Chapter 1 temporarily ends here. Loads of stories to share later on... I really love Sapa. Green and serene. Simple and peaceful.

And even the animals live in harmony...honestly I've never seen such a big fat hairy pig!! Or is that actually a hippo??!

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召集旅游狂和博客!!若有兴趣成为我们的一分子,请留言在chatbox或email我: confessionofdtravelholics@hotmail.com。 Travelholics (bloggers) wanted!! Come and join us by dropping a message in the chatbox or email me confessionofdtravelholics@hotmail.com.


现在才发现,原来我们的部落格差一点就安了个和大马著名背包旅行作者黄爱琳的两本书书名一样的名字。。。所以如果有一天爱琳再出版第三本书,而书名为《再难也要去旅行》的话,我们并不是抄袭她的哦。。。 ^.^

主编 09年8月1日 ****************************************************************

Our footsteps..