
Wave Rock, Hyden (WA)

Wave Rock is located at Hyden. 4 hours drive from Perth. I saw beautiful view (Passing Avon Valley) before reaching this place.

There is no entry fees but you need to pay a car parking ticket for it..

Amazing structure of Wave Rock..

My bro in law.. with his surfing stunt... ^_^

.. and my boy.. wanted to do the same stunt.. Poor lil boy.. ;-p

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现在才发现,原来我们的部落格差一点就安了个和大马著名背包旅行作者黄爱琳的两本书书名一样的名字。。。所以如果有一天爱琳再出版第三本书,而书名为《再难也要去旅行》的话,我们并不是抄袭她的哦。。。 ^.^

主编 09年8月1日 ****************************************************************

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