
I'm finally in Marrakech

It's 4pm local time at Marrakech and I'm super damn sleepy now...after flying for ~20 hours plus the total 16 hours transit time. Just wanna do a quick update on where I am right now. Just reached the airport at 11.15pm the local time yesterday night...and went to bed only at ~2pm due to jetlag.

Am at Kenzi Menara Palace Hotel, Marrakech, Morocco.

Hotel is damn big and damn expensive. I've never stayed in a £300+ suite before and I'm one of the lucky ones to get an upgrade due to the fully booked room in the hotel. Heehee... Right now everywhere we walk in the hotel we will bump into our colleagues from all over the world. Kenzi Menara Palace is now filled with the QIC finalists!~

No time to tour around yet, and also not getting any liquors yet...so, cheers with the Moroccan Mint tea! Cheers~ By the way, it's sweet, and I like it.

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召集旅游狂和博客!!若有兴趣成为我们的一分子,请留言在chatbox或email我: confessionofdtravelholics@hotmail.com。 Travelholics (bloggers) wanted!! Come and join us by dropping a message in the chatbox or email me confessionofdtravelholics@hotmail.com.


现在才发现,原来我们的部落格差一点就安了个和大马著名背包旅行作者黄爱琳的两本书书名一样的名字。。。所以如果有一天爱琳再出版第三本书,而书名为《再难也要去旅行》的话,我们并不是抄袭她的哦。。。 ^.^

主编 09年8月1日 ****************************************************************

Our footsteps..